Bricks can be laid in range of bonding or patterns for the headers as well as stretchers on a sequence of courses. In Single-thickness wal...
Bricks can be laid in range of bonding or patterns for the headers as well as stretchers on a sequence of courses. In Single-thickness walls these are simply for decorative purpose however in case of double-thickness wall they functions to strengthen the wall by connecting the layers.
Lets briefly get into these brick work bonding which are summarized as follows:
Flemish bond:
Flemish bond is also famous as Dutch bond, it is basically been well-known as the most decorative bond and thus due to this reason was extremely used for dwellings until the adoption of cavity wall was introduced. It is arranged by alternately laying headers and stretchers in a single course. Then the next course is laid so that a header lies at the middle of the stretcher in the course below. This bond is two bricks thick. It is quiet tough task to lay the Flemish bond perfectly so for the best effect all the perpendiculars (vertical mortar joints) need to be vertically aligned. If only one face of the Flemish bond wall is exposed, one third of the bricks is not visible and hence may be of low visual quality. Flemish bond are considered to be main rival for load-bearing walls.
Monk bond:
Monk bond is considered to be the alternative and modification of Flemish bond having two stretchers between the headers in each row and the headers centered over the join between the two stretchers in the row below.
Stretcher bond:
The stretcher bond is also famous ad running bond. It comprises of bricks laid with only their long narrow sides (their stretchers) exposed, overlapping halfway with the courses of bricks below and above. It is considered as the easiest and simplest repeating pattern. However, as it cannot be made with a bond to the bricks behind thus it shall be used only for a wall one-half brick thick, featured to be the thinnest possible wall. So, such a thin wall is not firm enough to set alone and must be tied to a supporting structure. This type of brick work bond is common in case of modern buildings, in a particular as the outer face of a cavity wall or as the facing to a timber or steel framed structure.
American bond:
It is the common, American or Scottish bond having single row of headers to five stretchers. However, the number of stretcher may vary from this as per the practical requirement.
English bond:
This bond has two alternating courses of stretchers and headers, with the headers centered on the stretchers and each alternate row vertically aligned. There is a variant in which the second course of stretchers is half offset from the first, giving rise to English cross bond or Dutch bond.
Lets briefly get into these brick work bonding which are summarized as follows:
Flemish bond:

Flemish bond is also famous as Dutch bond, it is basically been well-known as the most decorative bond and thus due to this reason was extremely used for dwellings until the adoption of cavity wall was introduced. It is arranged by alternately laying headers and stretchers in a single course. Then the next course is laid so that a header lies at the middle of the stretcher in the course below. This bond is two bricks thick. It is quiet tough task to lay the Flemish bond perfectly so for the best effect all the perpendiculars (vertical mortar joints) need to be vertically aligned. If only one face of the Flemish bond wall is exposed, one third of the bricks is not visible and hence may be of low visual quality. Flemish bond are considered to be main rival for load-bearing walls.
Monk bond:

Monk bond is considered to be the alternative and modification of Flemish bond having two stretchers between the headers in each row and the headers centered over the join between the two stretchers in the row below.
Stretcher bond:

The stretcher bond is also famous ad running bond. It comprises of bricks laid with only their long narrow sides (their stretchers) exposed, overlapping halfway with the courses of bricks below and above. It is considered as the easiest and simplest repeating pattern. However, as it cannot be made with a bond to the bricks behind thus it shall be used only for a wall one-half brick thick, featured to be the thinnest possible wall. So, such a thin wall is not firm enough to set alone and must be tied to a supporting structure. This type of brick work bond is common in case of modern buildings, in a particular as the outer face of a cavity wall or as the facing to a timber or steel framed structure.
American bond:

It is the common, American or Scottish bond having single row of headers to five stretchers. However, the number of stretcher may vary from this as per the practical requirement.
English bond:

This bond has two alternating courses of stretchers and headers, with the headers centered on the stretchers and each alternate row vertically aligned. There is a variant in which the second course of stretchers is half offset from the first, giving rise to English cross bond or Dutch bond.